Does Development Have a Problem with Racism? (Oxfam blogs)

Given recent events in the United States that have sparked mass protests around the banner of #BlackLivesMatter not only there, but across the world, we ought to talk about this right here. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed us to rethink solidarity, and these protests calling for racial justice force us to ask questions also of the aid and development sectors

De-centring the ‘white gaze’ of development

To center this important discussion, we released this special episode of Power in the Pandemic from an interview I did last year with Robtel Neajai Pailey, a Liberian academic, activist and author, based at the University of Oxford. I spoke with her after hearing her deliver a powerful keynote at the Development Studies Association conference last June 2019, titled De‐centring the ‘White Gaze’ of Development, which laid out the ways in which development thinking and praxis is fundamentally raced.

Here it is – have a listen and check out the highlights below…

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